Friday, November 4, 2011

Week in Review: Real Talk Is Scary, Y'All

It was a week for real talk ‘round these parts at Movieline HQ, with everything from Halloween to Lindsay Lohan’s latest legal woes bringing everyone to terms with the truth. Like the fact that no matter how many Halloweens you live through, you’ll never match Heidi Klum’s level of kookiness. Then the awful truth about the monster flop The Wolfman broke, and America’s favorite sparkly vampire dropped some cineaste science all over the Twilight crowd. What’s going on around here? First, Movieline celebrated Halloween with celebs, goth heroes, unintentionally scary characters, Verbal Vogueing, and the latest Heidi Klum getup. LiLo was sentenced back to the clink. Movieline remembered the late, great Oscar producer Gilbert Cates. Twilight madness continues! Oh that RPattz, always dropping Bunuel references into tween movie promo tours. Universal prexy Ron Meyer exploded a few truth bombs all over the Savannah Film Fest, and Movieline was there to report. A hearty thank you to this week’s Movieline Interviewees Joely Richardson, Kal Penn, Ray Liotta, Lily Tomlin, Werner Herzog, and John Cho.

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