Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cinecitta Luce, Telecom Italia pact on upkeep

Italy's Cinecitta Luce and Telecom Italia have pacted to preserve and electronically distribute photos and documentaries in Italy's national film archives plus several worldwide game titles.Under their long term multi-billion dollar agreement, Telecom Italia will lead to protecting material within the historic Istituto Luce Archives in return for multi-platform distribution privileges.Established in 1924, Istituto Luce has a lot more than 12,000 newsreels, 6,000 paperwork and films, and most 8,000 reels of raw footage."The agreement verifies how important Cinecitta Luce is really as a cultural and industrial resource," stated its controlling director Luciano Sovena."Because of this deal our library will end up open to 18 million people."Beginning this month, 150 films and paperwork in the library will end up on pay-per-take on Telecom Italia's Cubovision web-TV service, while other content is going to be free. The agreement also covers some worldwide game titles from Cinecitta Luce, also is an arthouse theatrical distributor. Contact Nick Vivarelli at nvivarelli@gmail.com

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